
Ravensden CE Primary Academy

Vision Values and Core Principles

Vision, Values and Core Principles

Mission Statement

Aims of the school

At Ravensden Primary Academy we promote opportunities for all children , to develop their full potential inspired by an exciting and child centred learning environment. We offer guidance, support and nurture through our creative curriculum, promoting independence and resilience for the challenges of the 21st Century.


We aim:

  • To provide the best possible education for each child within the context of a caring Christian community
  • To provide a secure, happy and stimulating learning environment.
  • To develop and maintain high standards in all aspects of work and school life.
  • To help pupils develop lively, enquiring minds so the children enjoy learning and take an active interest in a wide variety of subjects.
  • To promote an ethos in which children, parents, staff, Governors and the community feel part of the ‘school family’.
  • To lay the foundations for the attitudes, skills and knowledge that our pupils will need to become responsible, resilient and productive citizens of the future. 

Church School

As a Church of England Academy we are inspected by the Diocese of St Albans every 5 years in addition to regular OFSTED inspections.  In January 2016 the Inspector found that ‘Ravensden Primary School has a distinctive ethos rooted in Christian values that underpin practice and policy. Staff and governors actively share ideas to inform development to continue to nurture the Christian character of the school.  This enables pupils to develop both academically and personally, within a caring and respectful school, giving them a secure foundation for their future lives.’

Our Collective Worship is of a Christian nature and our regular weekly pattern of worship allows for a variety of approaches by the headteacher, staff, Vicar, Reverend Tim, and visiting groups. Assemblies include such themes as Christian festivals, Bible stories, famous people and social and environmental issues.  Services are held in the Parish Church including: Harvest Festival, Easter and Leavers Service. The children are also encouraged to attend the monthly Family Service with their families.


Religious Education is taught according to the Bedford Borough’s Agreed RE syllabus, as recommended by the Diocese.  It is taught as a separate subject on the timetable with additional opportunities through: the cycle of festivals and seasons, links with worship, story times and in every day spontaneous events and discussions. We aim to develop an understanding of the Christian faith, values, attitudes and lifestyles, whilst gaining knowledge of and respect and tolerance for the beliefs and practices of others.


Parents are entitled to arrange for children to be withdrawn from Religious Education and from the daily school assemblies.
