
Ravensden CE Primary Academy


We use White Rose Maths as our scheme for teaching mathematics across the school.

We teach single year group separately despite our mixed aged classes to ensure quality teaching.

We use the Progress in Mathematical Understanding (PUMA) assessments each term to ensure we have a sound summative understanding of attainment.


What we are aiming for in Maths: At Ravensden CE Primary Academy we aim to ensure all our children leave at the end of year 6 with firm foundations, skills and confidence to solve a range of mathematical problems that require fluency with numbers and reasoning.

To give maths a purpose we make links between maths and the real world so children can see the relevance of developing these life skills. As a school we have adopted the White Rose Maths scheme of work, which aims to develop mathematical learning through fluency, reasoning and problem solving. It does this by using approaches which include the use of concrete, pictorial and abstract methods. Children will progress through different methods according to their readiness and confidence.

The White Rose approach believes that ‘Everyone can do Maths’; at Ravensden we believe that too! We want to enable children to draw connections: supporting thinking and instilling understanding at whatever age. This approach encourages perseverance which, in turn, enables the children to build resilience and confidence as they become equipped to solve problems using many different skills across the maths curriculum

Implementation What Maths looks like in our school:

At Ravensden, we follow the White Rose planning schemes of work.  Maths lessons are planned on a day to day basis to support the learning journey through small steps. Lessons will build fluency, reasoning and problem solving containing the following:

● Daily 10-minute starters which practise Basic Skills focusing on Four Rules, Place Value, Doubling and Halving, Number Bonds and fractions (Year5/6) to improve fluency.

● Guided practise as a class/group including opportunities for Maths Talk. Use of White Rose Hub and other related resources to support reasoning and problem solving.

● Independent practise or Guided groups.

● Opportunities for challenge.

● Use of concrete resources where needed.


As a result of this approach, we believe that we will have a community of confident mathematicians, who are enthusiastic about their learning. Children will enjoy maths and be able to talk about and showcase their skills. Attainment will be at least in line with end of EYFS, KS1 and KS2 expectations and children will be ready for the next step in education.
