
Ravensden CE Primary Academy



Robins Class is our Reception Class with their teacher Mrs Palliser, Learning Support Assistant Mrs Wilson and  our 1 to 1 teaching assistants Mrs Rollinson and Mrs Wade. We admit a maximum of 15 children per year.

The Robins class has 9 reception children at present  working towards their Early Years goals. We carefully consider each child as an individual and try very hard to best suit their stage and optimum pace of learning with a personalised approach to their development.



Our topics in Reception for 2023 /2024 are:



This is Me!

This half term we talked about our families and who is special to us. We have been discussing about what we look like, how to look after our body and the different  feelings we may have.


Celebrations Around the World

The children have been learning about seasonal celebrations, celebrations we have at school like Harvest and celebrations from other cultures - Diwali. The children have worked hard learning new songs and performed well at their Christmas nativity! 


Spring - Out of the Egg

The children found some frosty footprints in their classroom when they returned to school. We think they were from Ruby the Robin our class mascot! We have been learning about how to look after wildlife and have been making bird feeders. We have been learning about the signs of Winter and each week we will find a new book and some clues that will link to new life, growth, similarities and differences. This learning will lead us nicely on to Easter and signs of Spring! 


Summer - I love where I live!

At the start of this term we went on a local walk and came across an unusual creature and a letter! We took it back to school and found out it was a Bog Baby! We will enjoy reading Bog baby by Jeanne Willis, labelling a Bog baby and making our own Bog babies using a variety of materials! 

This term we will be exploring the outdoors, spotting signs of Spring and Summer. We will learn what living things need to survive and sequence the lifecycle of a butterfly! Once we have found out about the journey of  letter, we will discuss where we live and post a letter to someone special from our local post box. Later on in the term we will compare where we live to the wider world and find out about what life is like in other countries!






Robins Phonics Evening Presentation -

Autumn Walk at Mowsbury Hillfort

Hanging our bird feeders to help keep the birds fed over Winter!



Still image for this video
Some mysterious eggs arrived! We waited patiently for them to hatch and out came the most beautiful fluffy ducklings! Once they were ready we took them for their first swim !

Robins found a Bog baby on a local walk!
