
Ravensden CE Primary Academy



Robins Class is our Reception Class with their teacher Mrs Palliser,  and  our 1 to 1 teaching assistants Mrs Francis and Mrs Nightingale. We admit a maximum of 15 children per year.

The Robins class has 7 reception children at present  working towards their Early Years goals. We carefully consider each child as an individual and try very hard to best suit their stage and optimum pace of learning with a personalised approach to their development.



Our topics in Reception for 2024 /2025 are:



Happy Hats

The children will find a new hat in our hat box each week which will link to our focus of the week. They will listen to stories such as Hamilton's hat, What do I look like? and Knuffle Bunny Too. We will describe features of toys that are special to us and identify and compare toys from the past. We will identify our features and discuss how we look the same and different to one another. We will discuss our family members and learn that humans can grow and look different.


Spring - Where will  a story take us?

The children find a new story in their classroom each week which will link to a variety of different traditional tales, such as Little Red Riding Hood and The Three Billy Goats Gruff.  We will learn that animals grow and look different and find out about what living things need to survive. We will learn about how other cultures celebrate Chinese New Year and learn that people from other countries can look different. We will be spotting  signs of seasons changing, link this to new life, growth and lifecycles .


Summer - On the move!

At the start of this term we will be on the move as we go on a local listening walk and journey around the surrounding areas and explore natural objects using our senses! 

This term we will thinking about all the ways we can travel and each week we will focus on a different mode of transport. We will read the book Mrs Armitage on Wheels and design our own bikes. We will read The Train Ride and join in with repeated language in books and find out about how transport has changed over the years and go on our very own train ride!






Reception Long Term Plan 2024 2025

Reception Home Learning Autumn

Robins Phonics Evening Presentation -





